Our vast campus is conveniently located two miles east of historic New Oxford’s town square, at the northern edge of greater Hanover, and roughly halfway between York and Gettysburg. Much of our acreage is devoted to Residential Living, a true living community for the more than 800 active villagers who live in cottages, Bridgewater homes, apartments of various sizes, and our groundbreaking Hearthside residences.

A convenient overview of CKV
Our retirement counselors Amy and Nancy originally created this virtual appointment page to help prospective villagers gather basic information about our community and our programs before visiting our campus, and for out-of-state retirees for whom a casual visit was impractical.
As we keep adding information, this page has become the ideal first step to discover Cross Keys Village when researching senior living. You will find below much of the essential information you would receive during an initial appointment with Amy or Nancy at the Welcome Center.
A comprehensive approach
Villagers who join our program in Residential Living (also known as Independent Living in other communities) lead physically, intellectually and spiritually stimulating lives, free of most burdens of late retirement such as the upkeep and maintenance of a home. Our villagers wake up every morning to a customized day filled with purpose, and based on nurturing body, mind, and soul.
In addition, they know that Cross Keys Village offers a solid range of supportive services under the label Cross Keys @ Home should their physical or cognitive condition ever require it.
By now, you understand that the continuous care in villages like Cross Keys Village isn’t a real estate transaction as much as a lifestyle program, designed to make this chapter in your story as significant as the ones that preceded it. We have listed on a separate page our answers to many questions we hear frequently. You can look at that page later, but let’s cover just three subjects right now:
- How do the fees work? Residential Living entails a one-time entrance fee, and a monthly service fee. The entrance fee gives you the exclusive right to a residence while you occupy it, and ensures your priority access to Personal Care and Health Care if ever needed. The monthly service fee covers maintenance, repairs, landscaping, snow removal, TV cable, access to wellness activities, real estate taxes, and much more.
- How can I tell if we can afford it? When you share with Amy or Nancy a rough estimate of the value of your house, and a ballpark amount for your savings and your income, they will be able to tell you which of our many models are viable options for you at this time.
- What’s this we keep hearing about your wait list? Most of the time we are near-fully occupied, and therefore we need a system that is clear and fair for the retirees who are planning to join our Residential Living program. This system is based on a wait list. A small, refundable deposit will become part of your entrance fee when you move to Cross Keys Village (it is not an Application Fee).
A wide selection of floor plans
The villagers at Cross Keys Village live in cottages, apartments, spacious Bridgewater homes, and the brand-new Hearthside residences. Each floor plan has its distinctive qualities. Of course, the wait isn’t the same for every model and it could be as short as a few months for the one you prefer. Our smaller cottages offer the advantage of a top quality continuous care program at a lower price point than similar villages in our region.
Understanding the value
This is a lot of information to absorb at once, and the “missing link” is the opportunity to dialogue with Amy or Nancy as they help you discover the value of a program like ours in your specific circumstances. That part will have to wait until we connect with you. Please contact us today by phone or with the form below, but first, listen to what villagers Lee and Tina would share with you if you had a chance to ask:
“Tina & I are both rather shy people. We moved into our apartment not knowing anyone. Within four weeks, we were friends with most of the people on our floor and knew a number of people in other areas of the village. It sounds like a clichĂ© but we have never been anywhere where the people are so friendly, and the team so caring. Cross Keys Village seems to have a unique ability to bring out the best in a broad, varied range of people.”
Please call us at 717-624-5350 or complete this form and we will contact you to schedule an in-depth telephone, virtual, or in-person appointment. Our job isn’t to sell but to educate you and help you make this important decision on your own. We can’t wait to get to know you.