Active Support Groups
The Memory Care Education program at Cross Keys Village offers support to individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease or another neurocognitive disorder, and to their care partners. The support groups are open to our neighbors in the greater community. Call Erin Nelson, Director of Memory Support at 717-624-5403 for information and registration details.
Embracing Your Story is the core of the Memory Care Education program at Cross Keys Village. It consists of 3 series of group meetings designed to inform, orient, reassure, and inspire people living with neurocognitive disorders (such as Alzheimer’s disease or another related dementia) and their care partners.
Dementia Friendly America
Dementia Friendly America (DFA) is a national network of communities, organizations, professionals and individuals working to ensure that people living with Alzheimer’s disease or another related dementia and their caregivers are supported by the community. This initiative, launched in 2015 in Minnesota, has been gradually moving throughout the United States—35 states to be exact!
Since the beginning of 2019, DFA in York and Adams County has trained hundreds of local Dementia Friends. People living with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers can feel confident that area businesses are better equipped to support them as the disease progresses.