
Parkinson’s Support at CKV

Hope as a Mode of Resistance

This month’s thought-provoking featured video, A Parkinson’s and Caregiving Story from Dave Iverson, comes to us from the Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases. Author Barbara Kingsolver once wrote that “hope is best thought of as a mode of resistance.” Writer and documentary film producer Dave Iverson, who lives with PD, likes that phrase. In his view, hope can be an effective way to push back against Parkinson’s and other diseases of aging.

For affected individuals, living with Parkinson’s is a fact of life. As a counselor once told a younger and anxious Michael J. Fox: “Michael, you have Parkinson’s. The second shoe has already dropped. So, what now? What do we do next?” While not everyone can start a foundation or become a national advocate, asking that question is good for all of us. 

Spanish LANGUAGE PD Resources

January 16 Meeting

Cross Keys Village is offering its Parkinson’s Thursday education and support groups, in the Encore Room (Harmony Ridge, 620 Harmony Drive, New Oxford PA), on the third Thursday of each month. The goal of the group is to empower people with Parkinson’s, care partners, family and friends by offering education on specific topics, followed by peer support. Parkinson’s Thursday is open to all at no cost, and no registration is required.

The meetings are facilitated by Erin Nelson, Director of Memory Support at Cross Keys Village.

  • Our January 16 guest presenter is Sherri Ierley from the Hanover YMCA. Sherri holds a health coach and nutrition certification and she is also an American Fitness Institute certified personal trainer.  Her presentation is titled PWR for Parkinson’s and LiveStrong Programs at the YMCA.
  • On February 20, Dr. Drew Falconer, Movement Disorder Specialist at Inova Neurology in Alexandria, VA will present an overview of Parkinson’s medications and report on some new products.

Living with Parkinson's

Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive motor system disorder that interferes with activities of daily living. There is no cure but rapid scientific progress is leading to greater understanding and new Parkinson’s medications, treatment and technology. Our goal on this page is to empower people with Parkinson’s  – at Cross Keys Village and in the greater community – and their care partners, by offering cutting-edge PD management information.

In this short PBS interview titled Why Women With Parkinson’s Are Misdiagnosed, Dr. Soania Mathur, Parkinson’s disease advocate and family physician, talks about symptoms in women presenting differently than in men and how these differences can lead to late or wrong diagnoses.

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