Discover our Lifestyle!
We are glad to offer informal individual tours of the Harmony Ridge community center on a regular schedule. Your guides will be current villagers with first-hand experience of life at Cross Keys Village. You will get a chance to discover our common areas, including our Wellness, Dining, and Cultural Arts spaces.
The 30-minute tours are held on weekdays. Call 717-624-5350 to make a tour appointment, or use the form below and we will call you.
What to Expect
Your visit will last approximately half an hour and you will add 1,000 steps to your daily total. Please note that no private residence, apartment or cottage is included as part of this tour.
The tour starts at the Harmony Ridge Community Center, 620 Harmony Drive. Look for the flagpole by the entrance and enter under the canopy into the lobby. Please note that your CKV tour guides are not allowed to push wheelchairs. Please bring an assistant if needed.
Call 717-624-5350 to reserve a spot, or use the form below and we will call you.