

A New Team Member’s Perspective

I was looking at my calendar to see what day in September is the last day of summer. It got me thinking that September marks six months since I joined Cross Keys Village – The Brethren Home Community, as the Foundation Coordinator. Half a year, gone so quickly. No wonder CKV is known for its long-term team members.

Reentering the workforce after 24 years spent raising my children, and punctuated by a variety of part-time jobs, I didn’t know what to expect. I was a bit apprehensive, to tell the truth. Fortunately, I have found everyone at CKV to be warm and welcoming. They are willing to work with you, listen to you, and make you feel like an important part of the whole community. It has been an amazing experience to work with a team that encourages me to find my voice and wants to see me succeed.

What I had failed to predict is the genuinely caring welcome on the part of villagers—the older adults who call CKV home. Being the point person that they first encounter in the Foundation, I see firsthand how happy they are living here, and how they believe in supporting our mission and our fundraising.

No Monday morning blues for Alana or Lauren

My positive experience inspired me to reach out to other recently hired team members around the community and compare notes. I started with Rachel Zinneman, who works in Human Resources as their HR Assistant. Rachel attends Southern New Hampshire University online to earn her bachelor’s degree in human resource management, with a minor in psychology. “It’s been a great experience so far,” she says. “I get to see different career avenues within the Human Resources office.” Rachel was surprised to see how large the campus is, and how friendly everyone has been. The mother of young children, she appreciates the flexibility that her schedule allows, when needed.

I also met with Jasmyn Smithson, who works in housekeeping. She used to be a preschool teacher and decided to change paths. She loves to clean and says, “I feel satisfied at the end of every shift.” Compared to teaching, she finds working here to be very calming. “I enjoy the variety of jobs available during my shift. There’s always something to do and I’m happy to help!” Jasmyn sees other positions available throughout the campus that she may be interested in, which is an advantage of working at a place like CKV, where skills can be adapted to a variety of positions.

I am impressed with how the Human Resources team manages their recruitment process to find such amazing people! I believe we are lucky to be a part of this community. I read a quote recently that said, “The true test to know you are working at a great place is how you feel on Sunday night.” That quote stuck with me because I always feel ready to start the week on Sunday evening, and this is the first time I’ve ever felt that way!

Alana DiRienzo
Foundation Coordinator