

Learn Here, Grow Here

When Trisha Miller was in high school, her mom began taking care of her aging grandparents. Together, she and her mother progressively became full-time caregivers. After earning her CNA in 2014, Trisha found employment at CKV. She worked a flexible schedule at first, eventually moving to the day shift on the Honeybrook neighborhood. “I loved helping people, but nursing wasn’t a lifelong vocation for me,” says Trisha. Her heart was torn. She explains, “I loved CKV, but I didn’t see a clear path for me.” That is when she noticed a job posting on our Purchasing team. “I remember seeing team members from Purchasing, but I didn’t know much about their jobs, other than they refilled the supply dispensing machines.” Trisha loved to organize, so she applied for the job and transferred in August 2018.

“I quickly found my stride, and I loved my new job,” recalls Trisha. “Director of Purchasing Linda Laird gave me the autonomy to make a section of the department my own, with new ways of organizing the inventory and straightening up areas of our reserves. I could see a long-term future for me in this new role.”

Trisha welcomed her first child in March of 2020, at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. “I realized I could stay at home full-time with Silas… or face the real world doing a job I love for a mission I believe in.” She thought about how Linda had seen potential in her. “I wanted to work in long-term care at CKV and I couldn’t see myself not being part of the work we do here. I feel that everyone on our campus is a part of something bigger, working to enrich the lives of every resident we come in contact with.”

Focused on her future, Trisha decided to go back to school to study procurement. With Linda’s help, Trisha chose an online program at Strayer University. “As I saw Trisha’s work ethic in our department, I knew she had the potential to grow,” said Linda. “With the combination of her nursing background and purchasing experience, she is a valuable asset to CKV.” Linda assisted Trisha in applying for our tuition assistance program (TAP) available for team members to apply for financial support to enhance their personal and professional growth. Trisha was initially set to graduate in 2027, but after navigating precise course credits from HACC and adding on “free” classes and a few special programs, she is graduating Cum Laude this June with a Bachelor of Business Administration with a concentration in Acquisition and Contract Management. “She did the work, I was the cheerleader,” said Linda.

“Linda never stopped encouraging and mentoring me, which is what I needed.” Trisha has a lot on her plate in her personal life. “There were times when Linda was able to see light at the end of the tunnel that I could not. I have grown thanks to her unfailing support.”

“Linda embodies the CKV promise and acts with unwavering integrity. She helped me assess my strengths and weaknesses, and to become a better person.  She has supported my growth and helped me establish a balance between doing what I love and being a mother.”

Mindy Langer 
Director of Development – The Brethren Home Foundation