
Parkinson’s Support at CKV

This Month's Featured Education

We have learned so much this year together. We heard excellent speakers with the latest updates, watched carefully curated videos, and heard valuable coping advice from each other as we gathered monthly. We deserve a break! Our December video is a 2-minute music selection offered by the Cure Parkinson’s team.

Educational material will return in January. Merry Christmas Everyone!

Spanish LANGUAGE PD Resources

December 19 Meeting

Cross Keys Village is offering its Parkinson’s Thursday education and support groups, in the Encore Room (Harmony Ridge, 620 Harmony Drive, New Oxford PA), on the third Thursday of each month. The goal of the group is to empower people with Parkinson’s, care partners, family and friends by offering education on specific topics, followed by peer support. Parkinson’s Thursday is open to all at no cost, and no registration is required. The format of each meeting is as follows:

  • 1:00-2:00pm – Educational seminar on a specific topic
  • 2:00-2:15pm – Break
  • 2:15-3:15pm – Peer support

As is our custom at this time of year, our December 19 meeting is a friendly Holiday Social. Please drop in between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m. or stay the whole time! Those who are able are gently asked to bring a small portion of some finger food to share. Beverages will be provided. This is a good time to socialize, build community, and celebrate one more year of Parkinson’s Support at Cross Keys Village.   

Structured meetings will return on January 16 with Sherri Ierley from the Hanover YMCA and the popular PD-specific “PWR!” exercise class. 

Living with Parkinson's

Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive motor system disorder that interferes with activities of daily living. There is no cure but rapid scientific progress is leading to greater understanding and new Parkinson’s medications, treatment and technology. Our goal on this page is to empower people with Parkinson’s  – at Cross Keys Village and in the greater community – and their care partners, by offering cutting-edge PD management information.

In this short PBS interview titled Why Women With Parkinson’s Are Misdiagnosed, Dr. Soania Mathur, Parkinson’s disease advocate and family physician, talks about symptoms in women presenting differently than in men and how these differences can lead to late or wrong diagnoses.

Information Request Form

Note: This form will be sent to knowledgeable villager-volunteers belonging to our Parkinson’s Support Group, not to members of the CKV team. Please do not share protected health information on this platform. Thank you. 

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